KEC received some disappointing news earlier this spring: the Alberta Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) has been cancelled. STEP was a provincial grant that KEC applied for annually to help subsidize staffing costs. We are still focused on keeping our summer program affordable for all campers, and have new idea…
You may have noticed the little sapling that has sprouted up on the browser bar of our website. This “money tree” will measure our progress as we introduce a new fundraiser: the Hundredx100 project.
The Hundredx100 project takes a big goal- raising $10,000- and breaks it into 100 smaller steps. We are looking for 100 donors to each make a $100 online donation. Every time a donation is made, we will add another leaf to our money tree. The money we earn from this major fundraiser will be split between supporting our summer program and maintaining the camp facilities.
We already have two donors! You can help us reach our goal by making a donation or approaching new donors on our behalf. You can learn more about this fundraiser at the link below: