Primary Week!

Bring on the young ones! This shortened week featured the youngest campers Kasota has to offer, with ages ranging from 5 to 9. These children had tons of energy and kept our staff on our toes to keep up!


(Counsellor Tyler Gillrie and his teammate during a game of Survivor Dodgeball)

With the shortened week, and the younger minds, we had to put our usual Cabin Showdown to a halt, but the outrageously fun times kept on rolling without it.


(Two thumbs up for a great week at camp!)

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Dore family for donating a truck full of gravel to our brand new stage and campfire area project. Donations like this make these projects possible! If you would like to donate to our camp, please check out our wishlist at . You will be making each and every camper’s experience that much better by doing so, whether it be providing something for them directly, or assisting the directing team’s needs so that we can further their experience. We truly mean it when we say that every bit helps, and means the world to us, no matter how big or small.


(These two co-directors definitely appreciate the donations, and bust out a happy dance every time we get one. As seen above, at our weekly dance.)

But let’s turn our attention back to the week that was. The hailstorm that hit on Thursday evening was quite the event over here. Ice blanketed our fields in a unseasonable, Yule Time whiteness that had us singing Christmas carols instead of our usual camp songs! 


(August 7th, 2014)

Mother Nature must have been feeling generous with the timing of her wet and frosty delivery, because the scheduled Special Day activies had rays of golden sun pouring down. Special Day is an afternoon session that is an hour and a half, which involves the entire camp (much like a TCA does), only instead of everyone playing a single game, the cabins cycle around five activities, spending some time at each. Our activities for this week’s Dinosaur themed Special Day included digging for fossils in our sand box, an obstacle course where you must deposit a dino egg in a time machine, and a station where you must “tranquilize” a Spinosaurus with an arrow. Both kids and counselors had a riot at these stations, and brought a new appreciation for our prehistoric friends. Check out some of the photos below!


(Get that egg to the time machine!)


(Excavator/Counsellor Abe Crawford overseeing the uncovering of precious fossils!)

This week we also had to say farewell to our CITs! We are proud to say they all passed the program, and are ready to make fine counselors! With their paddle all painted and signed, they have left their mark on Ross Lodge’s walls, and in the hearts and minds of the campers they were placed with. We wish them the best and will hopefully see them all again next year as employees!


(This year’s CITs and their paddle–soon to be hung among the others in Ross. Good job ladies!)

Needless to say, our summer is racing along too quickly to comprehend. Only two weeks left! We our doing our best to savor every warm and fun moment that this summer has to offer, and we hope you are too.


(Director Jordan was the victim of this week’s bullseye club winner!)

Happy Camping,

Jordan, Katie, and Chris
The KEC Directing Team

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